As you can see in the first picture, i brainstormed around the idea of having a house and "if walls could speak" the top image on the left was a brief initial idea of having a layout and thinking how i could film, what a birds eye view would look like, a cluedo type theme. around this idea and train of thought i came up with a brief narrative and experimenting with shots such as i thought a good opening would be to go from non diagetic music straight in to a sudden use of diagetic breathing possibly pov shot. i want to introduce straight away location and one of the characters or both antagonist and protagonist (which is a convention i have picked out through the analysis establishing 4 main areas genre location character and narrative)
from this initial thought i developed into a stronger narrative and composition of shots, for example the second image on the second page is the pov looking through a gap in the door showing the antagonist closing curtains doors e.c.t an then turns and looks directly into the camera to either end the scene or as he walks into view the scene ends so the audience dose not see the event that takes place. the pov will zoom as seen in Cloverfield adjusting focus and motion to heighten the level of verisimilitude - brief structure :
. production companies
. event
. house filming
. story/ investigation
. flash back to event and house revealing the event and outcome
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