Sunday, 12 September 2010

finalising my idea

For my final idea, i am defiantly going with "If Walls could speak". It revolves around the idea of having unsolved crimes incidents murders and events that are never proven never known and never seen, but if walls could speak these incidents and events could be proven relived and taught to younger generations. My initial thoughts where of taking an event such as murder e.c.t and having the opening scene as the event the next scene as the investigation and the final scene as the house revealing the truth. To reveal the truth i would have the house seem alive and have a mind of its own and reveal the incident to the audience through a chain of events such as the door hitting a switch to move the chair to turn on the projector for example, or simply a slow zooming shot of the electrics turning on mysteriously and a sound bridge of the TV playing the event which would be shot from the walls point of view or birds eye view to give the effect of looking in on the event.

now my next step after having decided my idea is to create a few narritives and storybords each with a slightly different story and stucture and then pick the best and most appropiate, finally after the narritive i can go and look into locations-character-acters and actresses.

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